Clique This!!! (The Art of Living Outside of The Clique!)

This may be a controversial post but I'm gonna put it out there anyway. This morning I had an interesting conversation with an Artist friend about Artists alienating Artists! Hmmm you know I have to pipe in here. Unfortunately, like any other interest Art can have it's cliques too. I learned that the hard way living in an area where I felt it was just too much work to find acceptance of my Art style. Once I was introduced to a room of artists and not one acknowledged me or even smiled. I've heard things like "we are more focused on Fine Art here (which to me translated to "aaaah NO! Your stuff is too damn colorful LOL") or "we don't think your style of Art will fit in....hmmmm....but...have you tried...." now that's ok, until you hear it regularly and realize that there are ranks and if you are not brought into the fold by inner rankers, you're not getting in.  I'm not saying 100% is like that, but like I said, Art can have it's cliques too. In the beginning I took it very personally and decided not to even try but rather go out there on the internet which I have to admit, has brought me more recognition, acceptance and connections that I ever had in seven years of living in the same town.

When I started the Facebook page and the Blog one of the main reasons was because I'm not a clique person. I run from cliques and always have. I believe Art is a gift to be shared with all and use those mediums to connect lots of people to each other and give an outlet to those who want it.

I've met many interesting and fascinating people on my Journey. I've also learned that Artists can be just as fickle as anyone else. That's reality. I've even met Artists that can't handle more than one friend at a time. More than most, we tend to live in our own worlds and when we step outside we are surprised and even shocked! LOL...when I say we I include me!

How do you handle feeling excluded? Know this, being an Artist puts you in a class of your own! You are unique and your brain functions in a whole different way. You see color, art, pretty little pictures and these are the things you see most of the time, even if in your head. Blending in doesn't always work. And you shouldn't take it personally if it doesn't.

There are things you can do to feel better about the whole damn thing LOL. Participate in things that bring a variety of people, people who appreciate unique, like Faires and Art Shows. Have your own Art events. Even a small gathering or Art Party can bring you lots of joy and surround you with people who appreciate you and your unique Talents. And this one you know too well, Choose your friends wisely. That goes without saying but also should be remembered when looking outside for friends of semi-like mind :-)

 Tell yourself everyday..."I AIN'T AFRAID OF NO GHOST!"  :-)

Now go out there and do what you do, in color, and leave the Cliques to those who need them. I love everybody, but also recognize that Cliques can be damaging to the spirit of those who "don't fit in" or "don't play well with others (in a click!)"  Your Art is Your Clique!

 Have a Colorful Day! Rant over! LOL Hugs!

It's About Time. It's About Me!

Lady Traveler, Steph Jordan
 Not me! You! It's about you! And why not? Because some people don't value Art as much as you do? Because some may not understand the type of Art you choose? Maybe there are those that think Art leads to no where. That it's just foolery. Really?

Over the past few years I've heard things like "I didn't sell a piece in over a year so I just quit" and "something happened and I decided I'm just not going to do Art anymore" or "people will laugh" I ask you in all seriousness...Who Cares?!

Journal Page, Steph Jordan
You may have heard me say before "Art is a Gift to yourself first, then others." Of course you have to feel excited about it, love about it, passion about it, before it gives you what you want. For example, I knew years ago when I started painting that selling paintings is a fickle line. Sometimes and for some people it can be fabulous. Their style appeals to many. For others, the right Collector or Art Lover hasn't come along yet. It doesn't mean you can't paint. Painting makes me happy and it's something I do to make it to that piece of my mind where no one lives but me. You know what I'm talking about. That space where when you get there you hear nothing, see nothing, want nothing, but to be at that peaceful space for as long as you can. Before the phone rings or the kids scream or whatever regular hectic life presents.

Paradise, Steph Jordan
There's got to be at least one thing you love to do that's all about you. Not giving yourself room to breath can be stalling, especially for Artists. If you get stuck in 'Block' not feeling 100% is not far behind. Am I right?

I personally believe once we let go and really say thank you to ourselves with something we love, goodness is next. Some of my best and fastest selling Art was created when I went in with no fear. No fear of messing it up, no fear of trying something new, no fear of what the Joneses will have to say about it!
Time Passages with Beeswax, Steph Jordan

That's what my workshop "Collage With Abandon" is all about. Collaging is not an exact science. Many people can write many things about it, but in the end, it's what you want and need and what looks and feels right about your creation to you that really counts. If not, and it's only about getting paid, it becomes something different. A chore. Like I said, do it with no fear. Goodness will follow!

If you challenge yourself at all when it comes to craft and product do this. Sit down with a few pieces of paper, some glue and a desire to clear your mind and creatively relax.

SEE!  I Told You!

Throw some Color On It!

 Hello there! How are you today? Good or Great would be a wonderful answer :-) But if not, I wish you the mostest! Recently I got an email from a woman who mentioned that she loved color and Art but no matter how hard she tried she couldn't make it translate from head to paper. Now I admit to being one of those people that tend to think in the cut and dry 'Just do it!'. But that truly only works with me when it comes to Art (and getting to the Ocean). Other things, not so much. How do you get there when the processor is lagging? Sometimes it takes more than a little work and sometimes it's so simple you just can't see it. Believe me, I have my lag times. I've come to the conclusion that it's because I have too much going on in my head. And that is a file cabinet that can certainly use some organizing LOL.

When it comes to Art it may be a little harder. You may feel cautious about ruining things or wasting materials. Ok first and foremost, practice material. Whether it be cheap canvas, crayons rather than paints, old clothes whatever. Always set yourself up with materials that you can practice on.

 One of my 9,600,253.2 hobbies happens to be Fabric Painting and decorating. Not fru fru because I can't get there in my head yet LOL but just changing things up or giving them more character. And I've even made some slip ups on some expensive item but it's Art. There are not mistakes, only reasons to get a little more creative.

This semi murky mess was me playing with various types of Fabric and Textile paints and stencils and masks. Even though it was a play piece I used every paint I could get my hands on.  It was a lot of work and a lot of paint. LOL. But the colors were keeping me motivated.

Sometimes it's what you do...not how you do it!

Well it's not the prettiest thing in the world and definitely not my best LOL but it's kind of an Inspirational piece for me now. It's visible so I can look, laugh, remember and create. And that's a good way to work out your Artistic frustration.

If I focus on that thing for just a couple of minutes I'm off on another Creating Adventure!

And of course, practice pieces are good for when you attempt things like painting on expensive clothes as I did on this 100% Linen Jacket.

Sometimes all you have to do is throw some color on it! For Real! Now would I steer you wrong? :-)

In the instance of creating's ok to look past the Big Picture. :-)

 Do It In Color Today! :-)


Steph Jordan Artist has been creating unique creations since childhood. Mixed Media Art is her life. From teaching unique workshops to creating promotional items and more Steph makes high end costume jewelry,paints colorful imaginative art and makes things shine.