This year I am fortunate to be brimming over with Holiday Spirit! I say fortunate because it's a good thing! I'm silly with it and just want to soak in all of the fun, colorful and energetic spirit around me and then share it :-)

I truly do hope you're feeling the energy this year. I think we really do need it after the toss up we have all felt over the past couple of years. :-)

So anyway LOL, these are pics of my tree. I just love it!

These are some pics from my Christmas Village "Diviacityville!"

You can see lots of pics of this Village by watching the video in the previous post. I hope you're finding your Holiday Mojo! Please feel free to send me pics of your villages so I can share with others.

Have a Great Day! Live in Color


Steph Jordan Artist has been creating unique creations since childhood. Mixed Media Art is her life. From teaching unique workshops to creating promotional items and more Steph makes high end costume jewelry,paints colorful imaginative art and makes things shine.