I think I'm going to do something crazy this Christmas! I think I'm going to make a video of me singing a Christmas song and post it on the Internet. LOL LOL... hmmmm I just think I might have to do that! The worse that could happen is I could get laughed at and if I can provide a laugh or two...it's all good. So there, it's settled. I said it out loud, now I'm going to make it happen! So...

I decided to do a search and find out what kind of positive stuff is out there on the web and here are some really cool things I found :-)
This site is called Only Positive News It's pretty cool. I read about 4 stories after I'd already decided I love this site! :-) It's pleasing to the eye and the thought!
Okay and how about a site called 'The Optimist'? What fun. This site pulls Optimism from Life, Travel, TV, Sports and more. Love it! Optimist World
Ok for some Halloween fun check this Blog out. It's called Fahrenheit 350° Boo! And oh my goodness there's a bunch of treats on there that just made me hungry! Here's the link http://www.fahrenheit350.blogspot.com/ or it's on my Sidebar too.
Okay last one for now. Over at From Janes Oven theres a 'Thomas The Train Cake'... It's really cute! :-) Also on my Side Bar.
Don't forget about the sale at my website www.diviacity.com it's crazy. Earrings really cheap!
And my latest Article on Divapreneur 'Birds of a Feather!"
I like you!!!