Sometimes memories that you need to jar you come through. I had one this week when my sister reminded me that as very young children we took the bus to Hollywood on our own (lived in L.A.) so I could buy beads to make us bracelets with our names on it. She reminded me of this to let me know that I'm doing something I've always done and loved doing, create. And I so needed that peeps! I couldn't thank her enough for that. And for some reason it made me ecstatic but it also brought tears. Tears of comfort I think. Another small validation of the dream of sorts.
Okay up and away, on another note, sometimes fun stuff comes through too! For some reason I have a growning collection of Tye Dye. Don't laugh. You know if you lived through the 60s and 70s you at some point wore something with tye dye. Well I still do. Can't explain. Its just happy clothes for me! I've even taken to teaching others to Tye Dye without a sink! I love the color infusion into my day each time I put on
Okay you get it! I've just mentally planned my day. A trip to the Antique Mall here in town. Memories and inspiration all in one place. I love color and I'm blessed to be able to experience it. Everyday! Have a colorful day and great adventures! Muah!
Here's my vid on making your own Tye Dye without the sink!