Well I can't even believe it's been a week since I blogged. But it's all been good. Everyday something else happens to reassure me that I'm heading in the right direction. And on top of that I discovered that unlike last year, I'm overflowing with Holiday Spirit! As a kid I remember wanting to sit for hours and stare into the tree with it's lights and decorations. Always thought there was something mysterious about it. Can't wait to put up my decorations and all that. Even looking forward to breaking out the Aluminum Tree (or whatever that thing is).

The biggest thing that has happened to me this past week is that I have rediscovered my love for Jewelry making. Which I find a necessary thing to do to keep this thing going for so many years. I've been making jewelry for most of my life and while I don't really lose the love I sometimes lose the direction. All the crafting, painting, and believe it or not, communicating in between, gives me colorful inspiration to carry on. So I'm back at it. And I put a crazy sale up on my site too.
Diviacity Don't know how long this trip will last but in the meanwhile... It's on! :-)

I hope everyone had a wonderful week and this one is better than the last :-)