This book was created using an old Leather Bound Time Life Book :-) I wanted to keep the leather in tact obviously because it was beautiful but I wanted to put my message in this book. (Seems like I always have a message huh? LOL) Although there were quite a few pages I bound them so it turns only once and created a well in the center to put some fun ephemera in. Can you see the message in this one? :-) What is it?
The first page has an insert that is filled with that stuff I think it's called Diamond Dust or something. so it moves all over the place. I love it! Those trees were created with Glimmer Mist and Glimmer Screens. Fun. Oh well, I just wanted to share some of my books with you! :-) Another fun past time that I wish I actually had more time for. Very relaxing and thought provoking.