A Week in the Life!

In some way or other I seemed to have spent a lot of time mixing it up with Nature in the past couple of weeks. I've seen the Ocean (food for my soul, healing for my heart) taken pictures of Birds (food for my senses) and admittengly, Squirrels (food for my silly side) LOL. I've harassed the HummingBirds (I think one tried to attack me!) And I'm working on a painting of what else, the Ocean, with of course the extra goodies like people, scenery, boats, and everything else under the sun LOL.

Well I'm still on the path folks. Meeting lots of interesting people in the business and I'm just too dang excited LOL. Still very excited about hooking up with Lisa Gentile, my Coach! Just eye opening and thought provoking stuff that moves you i n the right direction. I didn't really know how much I had going on until I sat down and talked about it out loud LOL. Whew...now I'm tired LOL.

Gonna post some new Journal pictures this weekend. I love working on these things. I think I relax just as much creating them as I do writing in them. Theres a cool site that is all over the Journaling thing! Check it out. The link is on the SideBar *"CreateWriteNow" or click here JOURNAL. Also you can write me to receive this months coupon at diviacity@diviacity.com.

I really like just gathering a bunch of papers, ribbons and stuff and just going from there. Once my mind goes there it's on. I discovered I have an unhealthy attachment to my paper LOL. Over the years I have collected many many pieces of unique paper and the piles grow when I'm not looking (or maybe when I'm looking but not seeing LOL). I guess I'm a paper collector! There are so many types and styles of paper out there for the crafter and scrapbooker now that it's mind boggling. I think I need paper intervention!

There are some really cool people that hang out in here. Be sure to visit my Sidebar. These are Bloggers from all walks of Life and Art! And if you do please let them know Diviacity sent you.

My new Article just posted on Divapreneur Magazine. This one was a trip to write. I questioned some people about their experiences or thoughts etc. so it covers a lot. Read it if you get a chance and please feel free to comment. I love talking about stuff! :-)
The title is ONtheLINE DATING. You can pretty much figure out where I'm going with it. LOL.


Steph Jordan Artist has been creating unique creations since childhood. Mixed Media Art is her life. From teaching unique workshops to creating promotional items and more Steph makes high end costume jewelry,paints colorful imaginative art and makes things shine.