Well I just finished my 4th weekly article for Divapreneur and whew are my arms tired! For real. LOL hmmm think I need to consider a new setup for my laptop. Wow, writing these Articles has really been eye opening for me! I realize as I write each one that I've learned a lot and still have so much more to learn. It's nice being able to create something based on reality. Then there's of course hoping people get the right message from it. I'm so matter of fact, sometimes that I have to filter the mouth LOL. Its all good though. It's such a wonderful experience to be able to share lessons ya know. Anyway....
I'm working on this painting and I swear it's taken me longer to do this painting than any I've ever done! So here is some pics of it in stages:

The coloring is off because I was having bad lighting issues. Thank goodness for the wonderful Ottlite I found on clearance for $20! You heard me! $20! What a steal! It started at $159. Love those kinds of deals! And its the kind that clips on to a table or easel and you can adjust the light over the canvas. So these pictures are taken with better lighting. And of course I've painted a little more since then.

Don't let the headless people traumatize you. I plan to give them heads before long! So thats what I have so far. The painting is about 4 feet long so its got a lot of space for imagination!
All of these products

To other items that are priceless to me in my colorworks is Gouache (more opaque properties) and Irridescents. They each have their purp

My focus word for today will be Receptivity! My heart and mind are open! So I'm going to listen and create! I've received great emails about the Articles I write. Thank you! Hugs.
Me, Myself and my BFF (ME)
SuperWoman Stress
Next Article Thursday, August 27th.
Have a great day!